Congrats to Dean and Ben who completed the challenging Rescue Diver course and can now assist with self-rescue and that of a fellow diver. David, Lisa, Liz, and Ben completed Emergency First Response CPR, AED, First Aid, and Intro to O2 Administration. Kelly, Irvin, Craig, and Henry completed Advanced Open Water. They now have more experience and confidence in different diving situations. Kelly and Irvin also completed Enriched Air and can appreciate the benefits of longer bottom times on higher blends than air. Paige, Ester, and Stu completed Open Water and can now enjoy the great sport. Blake completed an Open Water refresher and Todd completed a Discover Scuba Diving experience. Russ completed Self-Reliant Diver in the Florida Keys. He learned about being self-sufficient in having redundancy in equipment and applying principles learned in cave and tec training to handle emergencies on your own.