Glenn Van Vliet
Starting in 2010, the Boy Scouts of America introduced the Scuba Merit Badge. What a great opportunity to introduce scouts to the exciting world of diving. To earn the merit badge, you need to have an Open Water certification from one of the BSA recognized scuba organizations, of which PADI […]
Good diving and spearfishing can be found in the Panhandle! Vis tends to be about 25′ with a good variety of tropical and game fish. Water temps are in the upper 80s in the summer and mid-50s in the winter.
Bermuda offers some of the world’s most historic wrecks from the 1600s to Confederate era rum runners, to many more recent wrecks, plus several interesting reefs with some swim throughs.
The Scubaholics welcomes divers of all abilities and all ages. We dive at least once a month and the club is open to singles, couples, and families. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Niceville area to plan our upcoming events. The club makes local dives […]
Several PADI courses now offer the academic phase on-line to save you time. Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Enriched Air, and Photography are available. Scuba Tune-up for those that have been out of the water, is coming soon. If interested, contact SnapperScuba or check out the PADI link.